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Natural Medicine
& Healing Studio
My name is Olga and I’m a practicing Naturopath and Psycho-Nutritionist in Norway and Poland. I’m a believer in taking a holistic approach to healing by using the interrelationship between the body, mind, and spirit.
In my therapeutic methods I combine what is visible and material with what is invisible and subtle. Naturotherapy is about human being as a whole – including emotional and psychological aspects.
In order to be able to eliminate specific diseases, it’s necessary to find their source by analysing all possible factors, including indirect, apparently unrelates ones and heal them by using our natural healing power.
Jeg heter Olga og jeg er en praktiserende Naturterapeut og Psyko-kostholdveileder i Norge og Polen. Jeg mener at det er ekstremt viktig å ta en holistisk tilnærming til healing ved å bruke innbyrdes forhold mellom kropp, sinn og sjel. I mine terapeutiske metoder kombinerer jeg det som er synlig og materielt med det som ikke er synlig og materielt, med det som er usynlig og subtilt. Naturterapi er et menneske som helhet – inkludert emosjonelle og psykologiske aspekter. For å kunne eliminere spesifikke sykdommer, er det nødvendig å finne kilden ved å analysere alle mulige faktorer, inkludert indirekte, tilsynelatende ikke-relaterte, og helbrede dem ved å bruke vår naturlige healing kraft.
Home: Witamy
“The natural healing force within
each of us is the greatest force
in getting well.”
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My vison
What we feed our body, mind and soul becomes our reality. Our body encodes not only our present life, but also our emotional trauma and traumas of our ancestors - in classical medicine this is called genetic burden.
The current detachment of man from natural enviroment causes us to lose our natural ability not only for being healthy but also to heal ourselves. We simply forgot who we are and what we can. That's why it is so important to go back to our roots so that we can feel the fullness and joy of life again.
I am fascinated by how different methods of natural therapies combine and penetrate each other, Chinese Medicine, Gentle bioenergetics, Reiki Energy Healing, New German Medicine (Total Biology), Homeopathy and many other holistic methods speak about the same. Shamanic and Old Slavic techniques have a special place in my understanding of human being.
I am very pleased with the big progress within recent years in the consciousness of society, awareness of understanding the deeper causes of the diseases and opening up for natural methods of treatment.
More and more people already know that taking the pill does not really change anything, but only postpones the inevitable. Change has to come on a different, deeper level. That's why I truthy belive that Integrative Medicine is our future.
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